I have no experience with ocd / asd, but your son has some very similar milestones as my little boy ( just turned 18 months):) ...he carries around a stool so that he can reach what he wants and turns the lights off and on. He was pulling to a stand at 6 months and taking a step at 9 months, scribbling at 9 months etc. He is very similar to his sister who is 7 and tests consistently in the high 99 percentile. I have found that our pedi isn't as interested or perhaps equipped to discuss advanced kids....although we get much less skeptical looks with this one when we mention what he is doing (I got the feeling that the pedi initially thought we were just proud parents with dd lol). So I am not sure that I would expect the pedi to react a lot to an advanced kid, they are more looking for problems or failure to meet a milestone....however, if you do feel that there is something he is missing (which also may be masked by your son being precocious) don't back down until you get it figured out.
On precocious toddlers, I haven't found many resources for how to best nurture them other than follow their lead/ passions and be prepared to introduce concept much earlier than what you expect...with this being my second and last, I am just trying to enjoy the ride😀 Good luck!