We took DS12 off of prozac 2 weeks ago. At 10mg it seemed to have no appreciable effect, and at 20mg it seemed to cause panic attacks and higher levels of stress. His diagnoses for the last three years include anxiety, perfectionism, low self esteem, and highly-functional ASD.

For the last month DS has been complaining that he is bored, and nothing interests him. The only thing he wants to do is play video games by himself. While his grades have been good, getting him to do homework is a struggle. He has had a few outbursts in school, but not every day.

Yesterday and today he has been miserable. Plenty of whining, anger, and oppositional behavior. We've been taking a low key approach, not confronting him and trying to make it clear that we understand that he's feeling bad. We make many suggestions, but he refuses most of them. We're not fighting small battles, like when he takes a shower, and instead focusing on his overall issues and getting him to get at least some homework done.

I've never seen him this sad before. I'm not blaming all of it weaning him off the prozac, but that may have contributed. He wasn't very happy on prozac, but he's worse now. I'm hoping that this is just a phase we need to get through for a few more days...

I'm open for advice. Thanks.