Could EF difficulties show up only on math problems? Otherwise she is actually much more on her organizational game than her grademates, in life and in school. She also doesn't seem to have this problem in other subjects. Could it just be showing up in Math because of the long detailed nature of problems? As far as self-checking her work, I don't think she's ever had to do this before and so I doubt it's something she does. I'll have to ask her about this part.

HowlerKarma, she would be one that would definitely benefit from a grading standpoint with a focus on approach. As would my DS11, who often has a unique but conceptually sound way of working problems!

I'm going to have to ask her about the perfectionism piece. And I do think there is some adjusting to now having to work when she hasn't before. I could see her finding it easier to do poorly when she didn't put forth her full effort.

She thought she could, so she did.