With Dixit, everyone has a hand full of cards with odd artwork that can have multiple interpretations, like a snowman looking out a window or a mouse chasing a cat (don't know if those are real cards, just making it up). When it's your turn, you secretly choose a card from your hand and you make up a clue about it, something that you think describes your card but isn't obvious (like you might say "Out of Place" to describe your snowman. You state your clue, and then everyone else looks at their own cards and picks one that they think best fits your clue (usually there is a good choice if the clue is vague enough, just one or a few words). Everyone gives their card to you and you shuffle them up along with yours, then line them up face-up, and everyone secretly votes on which card was yours. You get points if people guess your card, but lose points if everyone guesses it (because then your clue was too obvious). You want your clue to be obvious enough that someone gets it, but not so obvious that everyone chooses your card. Also, the people who guess your card correctly get points, and they get points if someone else chooses their card rather than yours. That's a very brief summary to give you an idea. Everyone that we have played the game with seems to enjoy it, including people who don't normally like games. It's very simple to learn. After a round or two, everyone understands what they are supposed to do. Our only problem has been that when DS was younger he would wave his cards around, basically showing everyone at the table what he had in his hand.