If you're looking to expand to "harder" games and Euros, I would recommend:

Agricola (classic farm-building worker placement game; might be a little too difficult at 7) (around 2 hours)
Between Two Cities (newly published lightweight town-building game; plays quickly) (around half an hour)
Cacao (tile laying point salad) (around 45 minutes)
Dominion (the original deck builder game) (around half to one hour)
Fresco (Place your apprentices to paint a cathedral; the most important part of every turn in choosing what time to get up in the morning. Yes, really.) (around an hour to an hour and a half)
Lanterns (abstract tile placement) (around 45 minutes)
Lords of Waterdeep (another fun worker placement game, with a D&D theme) (around an hour)
Seven Wonders (card drafting civilization building) (around an hour)
Takenoko (manage a bamboo garden for an adorable panda to eat; new expansion that I haven't played yet includes a female panda and babies) (around an hour)
Pandemic (very similar to Forbidden Island, but with a more adult theme of saving the world from disease. New legacy edition (where you physically alter the game based on past events) is super tempting.) (around an hour to an hour and a half, I think)

A little easier but still fun for adults:
Battle Sheep (abstract area control) (probably less than half an hour)
Castle Panic (defend your castle from attacking horde) (around an hour, I think)
Forbidden Desert (another cousin of Forbidden Island, but significantly harder. Cooperatively dig up parts to build a steampunk flying machine before you die in the desert.) (around two hours, maybe?)
Set (collect sets of cards that are either all the same or all different in several attributes) (around fifteen minutes)

How about non-game ideas? What's everyone doing or getting this year?

Last edited by ElizabethN; 10/19/15 11:58 AM. Reason: add play time for one game