DD scored a higher GAI than DS (DD was 150--higher if you calculate extended norms), but she does not come across as that bright. She comes across as having maybe a 130+ IQ, and that is just based on academic ability, not how she behaves in daily life (and that's what her FSIQ is, 135). I think it's a case of her not looking either gifted or disabled because she's 2e, although every once in a while she does something that really surprises me. She was an early reader and looked a lot more advanced when she was in preschool than she does now.
DS doesn't test as high (although when he was tested he had a traumatic brain injury recently, so who knows), but he comes across to me as being more stereotypically gifted (for instance reading the Bible because he's fascinated by it as a historical document, watching documentaries, etc). He took some stupid facebook quiz on geography and then the Civil War and scored better than both me and Dh. You can see the wheels in his head constantly turning, whereas DD would be happy thinking about Pokemon all day. I think IQ tests measure a very limited set of abilities, and creativity and curiosity really aren't included, so that explains some of the differences I see in my own kids.