Nope, but some of them claim to be, like ours, then you get there and they put no thought into how 2e kids are functioning there. The LA teacher told me that a lot of the kids in the program are horrible at writing. Ok, then, why give EVERYONE the same 8 page typed research paper assignment with a strict grading rubic, if only SOME of the students are capable of doing that?
They thought that just accepting DD the way she was was enough. But it's not Ok to let a 4th grader wander around the classroom all day, doing no work, then inflating her grades. That's not doing her any favors. If I had complained too much, and insisted on interventions, then it's quite possible I would have gotten the "maybe this isn't the right program for her, the door is over there..." speech, but it never got to that point. I could see it wasn't going to work out so pulled her. DS qualifies for the program based on scores but he's also 2e and I know no one over there would give him interventions with the goal of improving. They would simply allow him to not do the work but give him good grades anyway. That's their way of dealing with 2e, and then they pat themselves on the back for being so accepting. Other programs are different in that they want to force these kids out. I didn't get that sense. They just had very little interest in doing extra work to help kids improve, or else they meant well but were way too disorganized.