Originally Posted by madeinuk
Above all don't beat yourself up over it - you need to look after yourself too so that you can better look after your dependants. When I was younger and fitter I was a lifeguard and the first lesson we learned of first aid was "don't make a causality of yourself becuase then you can help nobody". I tried to remember that lesson well and it has helped me over the years.

Chin up!
Yes, or the old "put on your own oxygen mask first" analogy.

Ultimately, if DS is happy AND learning, that is the important thing.

I've learned some important things. A) the squeaky wheel does not necessarily receive any more expedient grease, B) ascertain which hill I'm willing to die upon and C) life is too short to dance with ugly...educators.

Could I be any more trite?

For the time being, am focusing on many positives. DS is a lovely child--will not allow "them" to make me think otherwise.
