As another facet of this, how do you help your CHILD in this situation to understand that being branded a pathological liar/manipulative snot isn't about themselves so much as the person/institution that they are interacting with not understanding how to 'take' their innate nature as asynchronous children?

This is very analogous to the early childhood manifestation of a teacher who loathes the mistake-correcting, justice-oriented, and highly assertive/verbal child in his/her classroom, if that makes sense.

In tweens/teens, though, the consequences are far more damaging in both the real-world consequences and also in terms of the emotional damage.

Adolescents have surprising fragility when adults and authority figures label or judge them-- and HG kids may also have an unerring sense of what people are actually THINKING, meaning that any mitigation of this phenomenon either needs to be genuinely persuasive/educational to the individual who is making the judgment, or it needs to be aimed at changing how the child interacts to produce that judgment in the first place.

Obviously, being "right" doesn't always lead to good outcomes-- and nowhere is that more true than in dealing with police when one finds one's self in the wrong place at the wrong time. What are some ways to coach our gifted kids to defuse such situations, rather than inadvertently escalating them?

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.