Have you tried talking with your teacher and asking his/her advice? What about your parents?
Can you give a bit more detail about your math class? You say 8th grade math but that can mean multiple things depending on your school. What topics will you be covering this year. Are you in a public school in the US? Is this Common Core Math 8? What book does the class use? (Please don't give any details about your exact school.) Are there students at your school who are taking a higher level math class in your grade?
There are a number of things that can be done for your boredom that range from moving to a higher level class, your teacher giving you enrichment (like assigning proofs or more challenge problems), joining a math club or training for a math competition like math Olympiad, finding enriching material on your own. Khan Academy is an good free online math resource. Or if your looking for challenging fun math check out 'Martin Gardner' either online or find his books at your local library.
Good Luck