Welcome, friend!

In the interest of online privacy, you might want to remove references to your true name (assuming that is your true name) from your signature and username.

As to your MAP results, take a look at this page: https://www.nwea.org/content/uploads/2015/06/2015-MAP-Comparative-Data-One-Sheet-AUG15.pdf

The first table addresses mathematics. You'll see that in the grade 8 column, your score falls far above the 95th %ile. The footnote under the table also points out that NWEA finds this score to demonstrate readiness for classes well beyond algebra I and geometry. (This does not mean, of course, that there might not be some gaps here and there, where you haven't been exposed to certain math concepts or skills.)

What you should do about math challenge depends quite a bit on what resources are available to you. In school, this will depend on your school curricular offerings, policies, and staff, and your parents. Sometimes schools are more open to acceleration based on their own end-of-course exams, rather than generic tests like MAP. You and your guardians can discuss possibilities with the school. Outside of school, there are more options for supplementing. Visit the Recommended Resources Forum on this site, and you will find a number of discussions about mathematics supplementation, such as Art of Problem Solving (online or books), EPGY/Redbird, or OpenCourseWare (free college course materials). There are also various rigorous textbooks that might be options for self-teaching, depending on your exact mathematics background and temperament.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...