Your son doesn't sound that different from my DS16 at that age. But things were rocky at times and when problems occurred I would wonder is he Aspi? Is is ASD? But he never seems to meet enough criteria. Over the years he has seen several psychologist and none of them has diagnosed him with ASD nor ADHD, although both were always discussed. When he was a preschooler/early elementary is was obvious he was gifted and his idiosyncrasies were often passed off as those of a gifted kid. The necropsy who evaluated him last summer (when he was 15) did say in his report that he "shares characteristics with ASD" and that some techniques to work with high functioning ASD teens would be appropriate for him. On the other hand the gifted psychologist that works with him tells me he is just introverted gifted teen and the psychologists who do the testing are LOOKING for labels and not that experienced with gifted kids. My son has anxiety and is introverted and many of his social problem have more to do with these issues.

That said my DS has had social problems at times and other ages did fine. He had a 'best friend' in 3rd & 4th that unfortunately had to move away.. He has been in therapy the last year and I did put him in a social skills class in junior high when he was having the most problems. Early puberty/junior high which is bad for most kids was terrible for him. But when the High School pushed a social skills group, DS would have nothing to do with it. He has really blossomed the past year without it and I attribute some of that to maturity and effort on his part. (But that doesn't mean he will be winning any popularity contests at school.) Through trial and error I have figured out social situations that do work for him. Organized and fairly rigid social structures like the high school band where his role is obvious, or much small 6-8 person groups where most of the kids are like him and share his interests.

Overall I would say even if he isn't ASD there is no reason not to take the social skills help as long as it seems to be working and he is not adverse to it. But also that I see nothing wrong with a kid who has only a few close friends. The question is more how happy your child is about it. How do you feel about the diagnosis? How would a diagnosis help at this time? (testing costs money) If you are uncomfortable with the diagnosis & treatment then get a second opinion. Otherwise it can probably wait. I missed the details of the fist week K challenges are but be reassured that most 5 year olds find this a rough transition for one reason or another.

P.S. I missed your first post. Reading that DS is even MORE like you son that I first though. Any assignment to THIS day where DS has to talk about his favorite, or take about his feeling he will completely shut down. I'll post a more about this later when I have more time.

Last edited by bluemagic; 08/24/15 05:35 PM.