I don't have much advice but I can definitely relate. We have JK and SK here and in both years DS drove the teachers nuts. DS is now 9 and we've been through two rounds of testing. Both times he has had very low PSI & WMI and very high high VCI & PRI. The PSI and WMI is mostly what drove the teachers crazy - he was soooooooo slow and giving him a 5 step set of instructions usually resulted in him doing nothing because he didn't know where to start. He's eventually been diagnosed with an LD in written expression (not saying that is what you're dealing with but just mentioning it as a possibility). Almost every teacher he's had has completely zoned in on his LD and hardly noticed the gifted side - it's been fun. Early elementary teachers (IME) are all about making round pegs for the round holes of the system.

One of my favorite memories of SK resulted from a similar "hopes and dreams for kindergarten" exercise. The hall was filled with nice pictures of kids holding hands and cute captions like "make friends".
DS's was this -

0 weekdays

and then in writing the teacher had filled in "infinity weekends, no weekdays". DS was really ticked that the teacher didn't understand the symbol for infinity so he had to write all of the 0's instead. Fun times!

Last edited by chay; 08/24/15 07:49 AM.