I'll always remember DS's kindergarten report card. One line said that he is working on his multiplication and division and the next line said that he still needs to work on cutting with a scissors and getting glue out of the bottle without making a mess. In his case it is dyspraxia/developmental coordination disorder. He is now 8 and can tell you about World War I but forgets to kick his feet doing the backstroke. You have to tell him literally every 2 seconds "keep kicking, keep kicking". DD9 can read at a very advanced level but can't write a story. She can understand complicated word problems, algebra, etc. but forgets 8X7 (or it takes 20 seconds to recall). So I have two 2e kids and have dealt with amazing ignorance from people in the school system (as well as people who have been helpful). That's a good article to share with people who need a little help grasping the basics of 2e.