Of those three, the SBV is probably your best bet for a good comprehensive. The RIAS is a reasonable choice because of its (lack of) length, which might be better for a little person. I wouldn't use it if looking for thoroughness. But if you're planning to test again within two years, and just want a general idea for right now, I would probably point you toward the RIAS, as that leaves your options open for future testing, when she may have settled down enough to be more testable.

Perhaps it would be as well to consider the emotional intensity and mood swings as items to manage regardless of the question of giftedness. Yes, it makes them easier to understand, but how would having a (probably not very valid) IQ change the way you support her on a day to day basis, if the emotionality gets in the way of major life functions? Being gifted, after all, is not license to throw tantrums! One of your options would be to take her to the public school system to be evaluated for the moodiness and perfectionism, and perhaps have some cognitive/academic screening done at the same time. This would have the advantage of 1), being at no cost to you, and 2) potentially connecting you to supportive resources.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...