To answer the original question, DD has a larger split, her PRI was 147 and PSI was 94. She scored even lower on some of the fluency measures on the Woodcock Johnson (like math). One can easily see the effects of this gap in real life. For whatever reason, her working memory on the WISC was in the 96th percentile but I see other aspects of memory where she struggles. DS also has a gap but it's not as big. He was also in the 140's for PRI, but working memory and processing speed were around 110-115. He was able to run circles around DD in terms of learning multiplication, even though his overall GAI was a lot lower. He is also not nearly as slow and spacey. I do think the gap does have a small effect with him, but it's not something that concerns me the way the gap does with DD. DD also has more obvious ADHD.