Originally Posted by primatologica
When others talk about their kids having relatively lower working memory/processing speeds, what kind of difference are they typically talking about? Do these scores still fall into the gifted range? And what is the cutoff for determining a kid might be 2E?
I have a kid with a huge gap between VCI/PRI and WMI (memory) and PSI (processing). The difference between his VCI and PSI is more than 4 SD (>60 points) and for WMI it is a 3 SD diff. In his case he is 2e. Then again I am one of the parents that is here because it hasn't been smooth sailing as polarbear wisely highlights above. This is a kid where very few things have ever been smooth wink

TBH his 2nd e wasn't really obvious until grade 1 when they had to write more but there were some signs that in retrospect had us thinking *something* was up. The biggest thing I've learned is to take things day by day and year to year. It is usually harder to switch into a gifted program than it is to opt out. Give it a try, see if it is a good fit, keep your mommy/daddy radar set on high and be proactive if there are issues, if not then enjoy!