aeh is the expert, so I will defer to her...

Does your DS have a high GAI/reasoning ability? It sounds like he might.

BUT in terms of how things look on paper versus what we see in real life? DYS DD9 has a only slightly above-average WMI, but her PSI is in the gifted range. Her GAI is quite high. She is a quick thinker, who is extremely high achieving. She does have a bit of an "absent minded professor" quality, though.

DYS DS7 has a similar GAI, but a somewhat lower PSI. His WMI is in the gifted range, though. When a discrepancy analysis was performed with his WISC/WIAT, his performance was MUCH closer to his GAI than his FSIQ. He is also extremely high achieving (so far).

Again, my children are still young, but I think that high reasoning abilities are significant.