My son will be starting kindergarten this fall at a gifted school, and I'm having second thoughts. He has an overall IQ of 122, which was a bit lower than we'd expected. This is probably because his working memory and processing speeds were average and high average, respectively. I know that gifted kids tend to score lower on those two parts of IQ tests, but I'm concerned that my son will be out of his element at the gifted school. He really shines at visual/spatial things, and LOVES LOVES LOVES science. However, he's not reading, though he knows his letters and letter sounds.

When others talk about their kids having relatively lower working memory/processing speeds, what kind of difference are they typically talking about? Do these scores still fall into the gifted range? And what is the cutoff for determining a kid might be 2E? I'm guessing that a kid who scores 130+ on all the other subtests but scores closer to 100 on working memory or processing speed might have a learning disorder, even though those scores are still within the "average" range, right?

Thanks for any input you may have. I just have the one kid, so I don't really know what's normal! Sometimes my son does things that make me think, wow, you are really clever, and sometimes I'm amazed he hasn't accidentally offed himself.