Originally Posted by Lepa
the camp didn't follow the lesson plan for the day (posted on the website). He said the kids just sat in a room and spent hours gluing paper and cardboard together, added an LED at the end and called it science. They apparently did the same activity all three days.
Personally, I would print the lesson plan from the camp website and inquire about the schedule of activities which took place, and how these activities fulfilled what was posted. If they do not provide an answer and/or if the answer does not match facts your son observed, then they are engaging in false advertising and deceptive practices. If they did not deliver what they promised, then I would ask for a refund.

Bait-and-switch is unethical, and an observant kid might develop trust issues from seeing this type of behavior ensue behind parents' backs. IMO, this is *not* about a kid being sensitive, this is about a system being disingenuous.

Please praise your child for telling you what he observed. smile

dodge ball. My son was hit in the head and just fell apart. He wasn't injured
Not a fan of dodge ball. I understand there are versions with soft, squishy balls to avoid injury. Center for Disease Control (CDC) has a document explaining about concussion, including signs and symptoms. Your description of "zoned out and really sad" might be a sign that he could be checked for concussion.