I think it's important not to put eggs in one basket regarding a friend at camp. Sometimes kids who are close at one place are not close at another. For parent and child both, relying on this can be risky. It is okay if the other boy does not want to play with your son...KWIM? I would want to have a discussion about this, because it will probably happen again.

I also think, and this may sound very pessimistic, that depending on your educational plans, you may need to talk to your son about how environments may not provide the kind of challenge or the level and depth he wants and can get at home. It is a lesson gifted kids have to learn unless exclusively homeschooled or in a very unique environment, I think. It's important to be able to enjoy environments despite this.

Another advantage of staying in and trying various programs is that you may meet other parents and kids who you may connect and/or who may be able to tell you where to find a more appropriate experience. I know and my kids know that we can't expect much from a general age-based science camp, but sometimes we get surprised by a good instructor or just a really fun activity--it's out there. For challenge, you might look for a lego or robotics league or chess.