blackcat, I would assume most second graders take 2-5, but 25 questions? That sounds too short for the 2-5 test - I thought it was longer. I would ask your school - I am wondering if that was almost an abbreviated test or the lower grade version.

Is it possible your DS took the short/"Survey" version of the test? I have no experience with the shorter versions and I am not certain how they compare.

For the reading, I agree. They will get by with simply increasing their reading skills until about a 235 RIT. At that point, if they are not encountering any of the more challenging concepts about literature and language, it is challenging to grow, IMO.

Does anyone know how well the reading MAP (any version) measures above 245? I know that there is technically supposed to be more room (at least on the 6+), but I am wondering if the reading test is really very useful for DD anymore.