DS scored around 240 for MAP math, I don't know what version it was, but he said it was simple and he didn't even need to write anything down. But for the other computerized testing he has done in the past, I know it went up to super high skills and it was so long, sometimes, that it would take a couple hours for the kids to do. I think it was more like an IQ test in that the kid has to get several in a row wrong before it stops testing. I don't understand how MAP would be all that accurate if a second grader is only given 25 questions but then comes out at a high school equivalent. It probably has to go through a bunch of super easy questions before determining that the kid needs a high level. On the contrary, he said that the reading version was hard at the end and he couldn't figure out what the questions were asking him. It was probably stuff like "what literary device was used...." and kids wouldn't know what it means unless they are actually taught that in school. Even if they read "The Grapes of Wrath" at home, and understand it, that's not going to help.