Hello everyone. First of all, I want to say what an amazing resource this place is and how excited I am to join.

Reason why I'm here is because like some of you, started having suspicions that my child was gifted. He would do this or that and being a first time parent didn't think much of it..thinking it was normal for this age. Then other people would see what he could do. And all of them consistently having the same reaction of "wow that's amazing" followed immediately by "...how old is he again?" made me look further into it.

After getting the same reactions from many different people, strangers, etc he then amazed his daycare teachers. One told us that in her 19 years of teaching she has never seen anybody read so well at his age (he started reading a few months shy of his 2nd birthday).

So mom and I are proud. We enjoyed his abilities and really were quite happy when we found out.

But now..the reality is sinking in..what on earth is he going to do on the first day of kindergarten? what about 1st grade? Then the stress...here in CA we have a state budget crisis and education funding is constantly being cut. Barely any schools here have ANY real gifted programs..we can't afford to take him to a private school his whole life, and we have nobody to talk to about this or any of our questions because nobody we know is facing the same problem with their child.

That is until I found this site. Like I said, what an amazing resource this place is to meet and talk to like-minded parents. I can barely mention anything about my kid's abilities to any of my coworkers or friends. I listen to my coworkers brag to each other about their kids. About how their little one is only 4 and is already starting to read, or how their little one is only 5 and can ALREADY do addition and subtraction. I have to listen to these comments and bite my lip and keep my mouth shut for the fear I'll sound like a total jackass (pardon my language). Needless to say, this will be a great outlet and release for me. jk wink

Thank you in advance and I can't wait to get involved.