
My DS looked very gifted as a preschooler. What made it stand out even more was DS is 4.5 years younger than his sister and she has LD's. Therefore the fact that he was reading & 3 and talked like a much older kid was astonishing when I was struggling with getting a grip on DD's LD's in early elementary. I still see a huge gap in what he can do and what she is capable of and they are 16 & 20. So I've always wondered if I just 'thought' DS was so amazing because he wasn't his sister.

But as he has progressed over the years his obvious 'giftedness' has faltered. The extremely motivated students have been able to overtake him in terms of grades & honors. We finally had him tested last summer at 15 and he is now labeled 2E. He really has a much higher GAI than FSIQ. The low processing & working memory scores really do translate into it taking a lot longer for him to do homework and causes him a lot of anxiety. At this time it's hard to see his giftedness because he doesn't really stand out any more. Parents who knew him in early education will stop me and wonder how he is doing and I honestly don't know what to say because he is no longer in classes with the kids from his gifted program in elementary.

I'm OK with where he is at right now and understand that trying to push him to keep up with all the highly motivated kids isn't the right path for him. But I do question that he is really gifted at times these days.

Last edited by bluemagic; 06/12/15 10:14 AM.