Short answer yes.

DS was tested a couple years ago and we slowly came to terms with his gifted label. He's 2e and highly asynchronous so there are definitely times that he doesn't seem it. He wasn't an early reader (although when it did eventually click he went from behind to above level in no time) and he isn't particularly interested in performing at school.

We had to retest him this year to confirm the LD stuff. I have PMs that can prove that I was secretly nervous that his first scores would be shown to be incorrect. Well I guess in a way that did happen - his earlier scores weren't completely accurate, just in the opposite direction than what I had feared. The psych gave me a quick summary of his WISC scores before starting the second day and I quickly emailed them to DH. DH's response - so >99.9, so he's average? He completely missed the line stating that everything was percentiles (that's how they report them up here).... Yup. Just a bit above average.