Yes, like those times where DS4 will roll around on the bed snorting like a warthog, laughing uncontrollably, and repeating over and over, "You mean butt butt?" while attempting to head butt me.

Or when he mouths the bathroom counter (?!?!) after having just told me in great detail about natural killer cells fighting pathogens. Arrrrgh! Sometimes knowing and doing are two entirely different animals.

Or the sample group music class we attended, where DS sullenly refused to participate, loudly announced that he was "bored out of his mind" 5 minutes in, and only spoke to correct the teachers when they mis-named dinosaurs. Oy.

Or another lack of filter example: sitting down to lunch at some friends' house for lunch, and DS glares icily at their 2 year old son eating with his mouth open. DS mutters under his breath, "what a revolting child."

As you can see, frustration tolerance, using a mental filter, and sensory seeking are extra tidbits we're working on. smile

What is to give light must endure burning.