I just realized these two links might be helpful to you:

This link explains certain behaviors and how they are related to TS http://www.tsa-usa.org/Education/UnderstandingTSBehaviors.htm. Before he was diagnosed, I didn't understand why he did certain things, afterwards I started to understand.

This is a four hour (yes four hours!) talk that the foremost expert in TS gave a couple of years ago. It is worth listening to. If your son is 2e, you need to understand how his second e is affecting him. http://www.tsa-usa.org/aPeople/diagnosed/newly_diagnosed.html

Also as a pediatrician diagnosed him, you may want to take him to a psychiatrist (who truthfully often just want to treat with drugs, because they see it as a chemistry problem). I am not against drugs, I also see it largely as a problem with developmental chemistry- especially since they tend to grow out of it- but you can also see a neurologist. They may also recommend drugs. BUT if you just want help for teaching him how to cope- call your local TSA chapter. I'm not sure where you live, but I am equally sure there will be one near you. Contact them and ask them for any suggestions. There are also some good books on TS you can read that can help with parenting him. You cannot parent a child with TS like a normal child, nor can you parent a gifted child like a normal child. Both are an exercise in extremes. 2e what a ride wink

Anyway, I hope this is helpful.