Interesting, my 10 year old son who has also been diagnosed with a tic disorder (very similar to Tourette's but apparently not Tourettes according to the psych who diagnosed him) is also allergic to an antibiotic.
From what I have learned from my own situation with my son, inattention and rage episodes can be part of Tourettes. Think of Tourettes as a filtering problem, and the mind has leaky brakes (like a car) and can't stop as easily as someone who doesn't have Tourettes. So normal things that you would want to inhibit don't always get inhibited. So if you get mad, it's hard to control it. If you get worried, it's hard to stop worrying. If you are bored, you have a hard time turning your mind away from things you enjoy thinking about instead and focusing on the boring subject. If you are thinking something that should probably be kept to yourself, whereas someone might not say what they are thinking, you will blurt it out.
There are children with just Tourettes (just tics) and there are children with TS+- basically Tourettes plus ADHD and/or OCD. There are other co-morbid conditions as well, separation anxiety is one. In addition there are apparently learning disorders too, although I haven't been able to pinpoint which ones can be part of the Tourettes profile.
If a child has ADHD with his Tourette's then he will often have poor working memory and/or slow processing speed.
I can also vouch for the fact that the combination of giftedness and tic disorder does seem to affect my son socially. Luckily he doesn't seem to care that much, he has his one best friend, and the rest can go hang.
Feel free to PM me if I can help in any way.
Last edited by LAF; 04/28/15 09:44 PM.