
I don't have time to answer completely at the moment, but I'll stop back in when I do. My ds15 has DCD/dyspraxia. Just a few quick thoughts:

* Why don't you consider the OT's opinion an "official diagnosis"? Did the OT write up a report?

* What is your ds' existing IEP for? I am not familiar with Canada, but in the US, if a student has an existing IEP and there is something new that becomes clear needs to be added in terms of services or accommodations, the next step would be to call an IEP update meeting and the IEP team would look at the new concerns/data/reports etc and add any additional services/accommodations that were agreed upon to the existing IEP

* Dyspraxia, as blackcap mentioned, plays out differently in each individual. When you see strengths in one area and challenges in another it most likely traces back to different types of muscle groups involved.

* Don't let the "5th percentile" statistic stress you out. Take that as a sign that there's a challenge, and move forward to both understand better what is at the root of it and how it impacts your child, and to make a plan to remediate/accommodate in whatever way makes the most sense.

My gut feeling is you most likely need more depth to your ds' evaluation. Just a guess.

Best wishes,
