I don't have much for advice but I will say that I'm also in Canada and we have an IEP for DS for his 'probable LD' without an official diagnosis. He was assessed at 6.5 and the Psychologist said that he was too young to be certain but that all signs pointed in that direction. The school was excellent about writing up an IEP and implementing most of it. I say most because most of the time DS is able to compensate quite well and hide the LD related issues so they don't always accommodate (and as long as DS isn't overly frustrated I'm ok with it for now). The school was actually a million times better with his 'probable LD' than with his for sure giftedness but that is a whole other story.

DS is now 8.5 and is currently being retested to confirm/deny the LD and figure out if he qualifies for AT (a laptop) going into grade 4.