I have been struggling with this question this year as my DD began Kindergarten in the public school. When I brought DD for registration, no one cared (or truly believed) that she was reading chapter books and doing double digit math, basic multiplication etc. She was age 5 and age 5 children go to Kindergarten. For their part, they tried. But, here we are near the end of the year and her reading skills are the same as they were in August, her math skills are the same they were in August, the science concepts presented were exactly the same as the ones I taught at home last year... and her behavior has regressed dramatically. In short we lost an entire year, and the only thing my DD really learned was that school is a place for socializing and no one will make you work that hard.

So now what? This school is the "least worst" place for her, but when compared to her potential she is failing. As it is, DD is only home from school for 4 hours before its time for bed. By the time she is done with her assigned homework, she gets an hour and a half of "downtime" before dinner, bath, reading, bed. If I move her bedtime and do about 40 minutes with her in the evening (I am considering EPGY)the gap between her knowledge and her schoolwork will grow even larger, what happens then? I have no idea what to do. The other parents think I am forcing this on her. They don't understand that she was simply ready to read early, and her math abilities are natural, so if I "teach" her something at home, it's because she has already discovered the basics on her own. I'm just building on what she knows. The work is 'just hard enough' for their kids, so by comparison I look like a crazy tigermom. I feel so unprepared for this.