Originally Posted by questions
Maybe the question is how to bring that campaign grassroots, how to describe it, and publicize it?

Okay, I'm just rambling... I'm already far afield of my original thought to get a national sportswriter to address the issue of academics vs. sports in the schools.

Ah, no. Not rambling. Thinking out loud, maybe. smile That's good.

I love the idea of getting a sportswriter to write the article. Great idea! Nice twist.

Shall I put on my old writing tutor's hat and ask you questions? That's my usual M.O. for this sort of project.

What is your goal here? What do you want to accomplish and why?

What's you're point? What do you want to say to the reader?

What connection/contrast are you trying to make between sports and academics? Why? How will that advance your argument?

I could go on, but maybe we should start there?

We can also move this to a PM if you'd prefer. Just let me know how I can help.
