What do you mean by "a concise issue," Questions? What exactly are you looking for? I'm happy to help, but not sure I understand what you're after.

I'm not quite sure I do, either. I just know that we do a lot of complaining - well, complaining isn't the right word, but we do talk a lot about how delicately the children and adults have to tiptoe around the GT issue and advocacy efforts. I suppose it's really about changing the world we live in, and how to go about it.

And there have been plenty of articles about how perverse it is that the football coach gets more money than the Nobel laureate physics professor, but that brings the money into the school to pay the physics professor's (comparatively paltry) salary.

I guess I'm just thinking out loud - is there an issue here that can be publicized in some way to influence public opinion? I suppose that's what Davidson is trying to do with its pr department and article clipping service (e.g. the list of current GT articles of interest). Maybe the question is how to bring that campaign grassroots, how to describe it, and publicize it?

Okay, I'm just rambling... I'm already far afield of my original thought to get a national sportswriter to address the issue of academics vs. sports in the schools.