I have an idea (uh-oh). I was wondering what you think could make it more socially acceptable and popular to recognize GT kids in school - to get coverage like sports, drama, etc. Seems to me that part of the issue is that there is not constant output (e.g., prizes, teams and contests). Sort of the problem the Olympic sports face in non-Olympic years - no coverage, everyone tends to forget about them, no coverage, no money. Also seems to me that while it may not be cool to be smart as kids, it's definitely cool and well-respected to be smart as adults. What has to happen to get that to trickle down to the kids? A public service campaign by Bill Gates? (only half-joking)

If I can come up with a concise issue, I have someone in mind who might be able to write about it.

And by no means am I bashing sports - I love sports, was a competitive athlete through college (and beyond, but unfortunately, not to infinity and beyond), and earn my living through sports. Also, I should remind everyone that student athletes live with negative stereotpyes, too - the "dumb jock," for one, and are under constant pressure to win, sometimes "at all costs." In other countries, that same pressure is applied to academics with the same resultant emotional trauma on the kids.

Anyway, I'm just wondering what the issue is and if there's a solution; if there are answers, not just complaints.