Neither of my kiddos had anywhere near that much homework in 1st and it does sound excessive to me. Still, our school doesn't have G&T until 3rd/4th. When DD started G&T, she had a marked increase in homework...but by then, she was is 3rd.

I do understand what you are saying about picking your battles and I would agree that this is a good strategy. I guess I would take a look at how long the homework is actually taking your DD to complete (I would hope it is not REALLY long as the above figures suggest). DS6 (1st) does a math worksheet every night that probably takes him less than 30 seconds (I suspect that it takes many classmates longer, as DS is very strong in math)...this leaves him time to CHOOSE to do more challenging math that he enjoys/is at a better level. It also leaves him time to read and ENJOY learning...and I think that at this age this is important. My fear for your DD is that this seemingly developmentally inappropriate amount of homework could sour her enjoyment of learning.

*OK, I read that as NIGHTLY...weekly, it is less awful, but still, possibly, too much.