Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Oh yes-- definitely. We did just that as enrichment on the side, aquinas.

Unfortunately, it also meant that the material that she saw in honors/AP coursework in later on in high school was largely a rehash of stuff she had done at 7-11 yo.

She is amazing in Socratic/oral settings. Too bad that college isn't set up that way, let me just add, because she can't take written exams worth a darn (relative to her grasp of material, I mean).

Thanks Howler. I recently came to appreciate what you mean by eye-watering burn rate through curriculum.

A while back, I bought the Singapore Math essential kindergarten A and B math books out of curiosity about what the method involved, with no intention of using them with DS until next year. He pulled one off the shelf the other day, decided it was a "scientist's book", and wanted to do some of the exercises. It took less than 20 minutes for him to do one or two representative activities orally from each unit with 100% accuracy for the first of 2 K books. Granted, the material was REALLY easy, but at this rate, he'll be done a year of work in under an hour. Is that burn rate what I have to look forward to for the grade 1 material as well?! It's not like grade 1 math is meaty.

I'm thinking of holding off on purchasing the first grade book until the fall unless he asks for more books in the interim. I'm in no rush to be tethered to "school".

What is to give light must endure burning.