Originally Posted by yykrissykk
The preschool is suggesting we call the school and ask them to identify him as gifted.
Yes, the first step is to have your child take the screening and tests for gifted identification. When you contact the school, you may wish to keep your statements simple and positive. Do not share your angst with them as it will not help you gain their support.

Tips for identification testing: Article by Aimee Yermish, on Hoagies' Gifted Education Page.

Some parents desire to have additional testing beyond that which a local public school may do. There are lists of testers on Hoagies Gifted Education Page, that is one place to start. Some families find that the Psychology Department at their local University may also offer testing.

Other recent posts about testing include this, and a post comparing the Yermish article on test prep, and Webb article on testing here

Early entrance to kindergarten is one form of acceleration. There are many threads on acceleration, and great articles on the Davidson Database. NAGC position paper here. Lots of good info at the Acceleration Institute.

More responses (focused on prep for phone call to school, parenting gifted preschooler) on your related thread, here.