Unfortunately, I think most gifted teachers understand the high average/slightly gifted student, but not the highly gifted. These accommodations all sound great for the kid that is 75% at grade level, but has the capacity to do more.

The GT teachers that I've encountered do not have any understanding of highly gifted. I've had teachers apologize to me because my kid knows more science than they do. But, there is no effort to do anything different. Then when my child's frustration become apparent, all efforts focus on frustration. No one seems to have thoughts of correlation between an irritated (but behaved) attitude and the fact that they apologize over curriculum. When I've pointed it out, they agree...but nothing changes.

All of the things you've mentioned are not helpful for my kid; he has most of them. Its a band aid on a gaping wound.

Last edited by Mom2Two; 02/23/15 03:12 AM.