I speak only for our family and our DS, when I say this, so please don't take this as judgmental if you made other choices. But for me as a child and for DS, the not great teachers have been really good learning experiences.

DS has never had a major breakdown or shown any signs of being unhappy in school, so that makes things different for us. I had bad teachers in school and DS periodically has teachers that are not great (but, I should add, never abusive or emotionally shut down). He gets frustrated with certain parts of how they teach or treats the kids. We talk about these things a lot. We look at different persectives, the teacher's style and attitude, the mood of the classroom, what he had control over, what he doesn't, different things he can experiment with to try to change the dynamic. Many times he is actually able to change the situation through changes in his own behavior or attitude. I found the same thing when I was growing up--my mom coached me a lot and I found things that helped. Occassionally, DS needs me to come in and help change things and then I do.

I am not suggesting that this approach will work with every teacher or every kid. And there are definitely situations which we would not tolerate. So I don't want to imply that there is something wrong with you if you take your kid out. I am sure we have not faced situations as bad as many of you.

I guess my point is that for someone who has not taken their kid out of a bad situation (for what ever reason!), there may still be opportunity to try to find or make some good out of it. Even if it is to model to our kids that even as parents we learn from our mistakes!