Wow, there is a lot of good advice here.

I love the idea of looking for an Engineering Open House. I could probably take him this spring to one at my local research school even though it's not likely to be a school he applies to. Just have to hope it's not one of the weekends he will be away on a Band trip.

And while I don't think my son would enjoy interviewing someone. I should ask my father who is an electrical engineer to take my son into his office for a day or two and really show him what the he does. My son has been in the office but only for a short visit. My dad's office is a really hands on place, they design and build prototypes. And this will be with an adult he is comfortable with.

I am in CA and I'm basing my information on our state schools engineering programs. In CA state engineering schools (UC & the Cal Poly's) it is easier to transfer into an engineering program from community college than from within. I am glad to hear that not all schools are like this.

I do plan to take my son on some college visits this summer. It's an effort to keep him enthused about H.S. When I asked only a few weeks ago about universities he mostly listed a few of the elite top "20" schools none of which he is position to be competitive. I think it would help his moral to show him schools that would be more realistic yet end up looking interesting. I am trying to convince him to look at a few colleges in Oregon this summer. (Lewis & Clark, U. of Oregon and/or Oregon State)