Originally Posted by cdfox
For those who have done the public high school programs or other online programs, here are some questions that I have:

We are just starting with a new online school, but our experience may be particularly relevant because DD just got off of two years of home/unschooling herself. Her school offers a mix of curriculums and she's in Florida Virtual. So please take those answers in that light.

1. Yes.
2. Yes. At her school it's also possible to test out of work altogether.
2a. After an initial placement assessment, there are multiple graded assignments, module tests, and projects/papers. But this would be highly school dependent. At her school they go a bit beyond the boxed curriculum. She also has a ongoing individual project as part of her homeroom -- student directed research into a topic.
3. I have no experience with MOOCs and therefore can't speak informatively to that. At her school the interaction includes: visits from her homeroom teacher, working with individual teachers for each class remotely, and working through the computer course-ware.

I have to say, from our perspective just starting with this program, the learning curve is steep, but not academically. DD is learning valuable lessons in: dealing with deadlines, executive function skills, test taking skills, note taking and study skills, being graded, and so on. This is really tough for DD, since she's so out of practice with all of that. Yet, I think it's really valuable because all those skills are going to be needed in college.