My 2e/pg ds wants to enroll in an online high school program. He's being un/homeschooled and has taken a bunch of MOOCs so far, which he has enjoyed. Yesterday, though, ds announced that he wants/like to have a hs diploma. He wants that piece of paper to prove to others and to make it easier to apply to colleges and universities.
MOOCs, however, do not grant a high school diploma. At the moment, I've also got no clue on: 1) how many MOOCs would possibly add up to a year or semester work of towards the equivalent of a high school course or college course; 2) whether any online high school programs would accept MOOCs for homeschool transfer credit; 3) any college or university would accept the MOOCs on their own and as part of a homeschool transcript.
Before anyone jumps in on community colleges and state colleges/universities, I've tried and tried with that one. Ds is under the magic age of 14 and thus keep getting the door slammed in my face.
I've heard mixed reviews on U. of Missouri's MU Online program here, but wondering about U. of Nebraska's High School or Indiana U High School? Any suggestions or help here? I'm already going nuts trying to figure out how any previous homeschool learning could be transferred or given credit. I don't know what counts for what.