This is one of the reasons our school DOES NOT RANK students based on GPA. Because of the shenanigans that some students would do to get that extra point. Our school doesn't give ANY freshman, honors or not the extra point. Extra points only start in H. Pre-Calc for math. And only two classes sophomore year count for the extra point. The school honors all seniors in top 3% of the students. And instead of a valedictorian, anyone in that 3% is allowed to submit a graduation speech and there is a selection processed for who gets to speak at graduation.

In addition all kids must take PE that doesn't get weighted. And most top students try to stay UC eligible and to do that you needs to take an art or music class. Top GPA's that one can possibly get at our school is about a 4.38. Last our school provides 3 GPA's on their transcript. Total GPA, Academic GPA, and Weighted Academic GPA. In our case Band is considered in the Academic GPA but marching band & PE are not. Classes that are included in the academic GPA are those that are "UC Eligible".

Continue to encourage your daughter to take band. The benefits to this will by far outweight ranking above the kids who didn't take music or art.

Last edited by bluemagic; 02/03/15 01:57 PM.