DD14 came home the other day upset because of one of the quirks of the weighted GPA system at her school.

All of the pre-IB Freshmen take the same six honors-level classes and have a weighted GPA (A=5). Freshman are allowed to take band, orchestra or choir as a seventh class but no other seventh classes are allowed. The music classes are not considered honors (A=4).

DD had straight A's. Since she took band, her overall GPA is lower than the kids who did not take band and had straight A's. Bottom line is that her GPA would have been better off if she had not taken band. She is miffed that she took the same classes as the other kids plus an extra class and is ranked lower in the class because of it. She doesn't regret taking band but her "justice police" streak is having a hard time with this one.

We've talked about taking the classes that she wants and exploring different interests through electives. We've talked about it being an imperfect system and that colleges will look at actual transcripts. She gets all of that but still finds this issue annoying.

Has anyone else run into issues with how the high schools implement weighted GPAs?