What is your goal? Getting into a top tier school or getting into the state flagship? Getting the kid through H.S. with his spirit intact?

I ask because if the goal is getting into the 'best' school and you are playing the game to get the highest GPA you want to take as many AP & honors classes as you can take and gets A's in them. Community College classes (at least in my state) don't get you the +1 GPA point.

If you are looking what will best challenge your student you need to look at your school and your community college. What is offered and what reputation both have. At our H.S. the H.S. honors & AP classes are more rigorous and difficult than the 'equivalent' community college classes in my area. The AP classes (in my area) are more likely to have my son's intellectual peers.

On the other hand taking classes at a local Community College can be an excellent way to go for some students or for classes not offered at the High School. Or if you want to add more classes in the summer. And AP classes aren't for all kids, many AP classes in my area are intense, with huge homework demands, and a lot of competition for the top scores. They can be more stressful and more work than a typical college class. And some students like my son are so ready to be out of the nit picky H.S. class environment and ready for college style classes.

I am a bit frustrated that we don't have a dual program at our local community because I think it might be a good fit for my DS who is right now a sophomore in H.S. We might still look at him taking one or two classes at the community college. We looked into my son taking Japanese at the local CC for a while and I still might suggest that route for one class his senior year. DS is a sophomore and right now I'm taking things one year at a time, and at this point in the year it's looking likely he will get into AP Calculus and one of the AP Sciences next year so we will probably stick with that.

Last edited by bluemagic; 01/16/15 10:46 PM.