Originally Posted by eema
And I also agree that the resources should go for the majority of the population.

Well, I don't. Children on the other end of the bell curve have to be given an appropriate education by law, why should the other end of the courve not have the same rights?

I have to pay property taxes, some which end up in my local public school, yet I don't get anything back from them.

I am not even asking for them to give more to my child. I would be happy with a voucher for the amount they spend per child at PS. I would happily supplement the rest. My neighbor has a child who is disabled. The goverment spends $40,000 a year providing appropriate schooling which includes a shadow teacher full time.

This country is wasting its most precious resources in the name of equality.

And by the way, when the school has to comply with the law for disabled/delayed students, they don't ask if they are kind and considerate. That is for the parents to teach. The school can't even teach them academic subjects. I don't think I want to trust my daughter's moral character to them.

Last edited by bianc850a; 07/22/08 03:08 PM.