For better or worse, we're actually not all that odd in our homeschool group. As ebeth correctly notes, there are more and more of us choosing this path. I'd say that in our secular homeschooling group, we're probably in the majority. Not a large majority, but leading by a (disjointed) nose.

I'm pretty sure it's not for better...but I can't imagine worse than what was happening to my son either. So there we are...
And yes, perhaps I should really have bottled up my gloom tonight instead of thrusting it out there into cyberspace. LOL!
But I say again, I think we are asking the big questions. I honestly do. This is the heart of the matter, whatever we decide to do about it or whatever the path it takes us down. Everything else is details. This is where the stand has to be taken, decided, nailed down if we are to make improvements to the system. We must each know what we think a school must deliver and why, and we must be able to argue that position with vigor and persuasiveness, whether on the large scale--the national or state stage--or on the small scale--in the school or classroom. It is what must be if things are to improve. I am certain of it.
Okay, I really must shut up. You must all be sick to death of hearing me soapboxing tonight! Sorry!