Originally Posted by MichelleC
Originally Posted by polarbear
2) The diagnosis may be harder for you to process than for your child - for our kids, it was a relief. Not a happy thing at all, but definitely a relief. They understood that there wasn't something inherently *wrong* with them, and they were able to ask questions related to the diagnosis that helped them understand their differences in a logical way, rather than comparing their abilities to other neurotypical kids and coming up short in their own minds.

3) Our kids already felt different, so knowing their diagnosis didn't give them anything extra to stress over - they were already stressed. Having somewhere to look for answers actually eased their stress.

Everything polar bear said, but especially that.

Yes yes yes. ITA with Polar.

Ideally, conversation about challenges should be part of family life. It's important for the child to know the challenges are not his fault, that there's a name for the challenges, and that there are ways that the challenges can be overcome or worked around.

Pretending it doesn't exist can be quite damaging IMO.
