My older DD20 has a language processing LD, it is not quite the same as dyslexia but can cause similar problems in school. The treatment is a bit different. She is currently a junior in college and doing OK. She still struggles with reading & writing and does qualify for support as her university although rarely uses it. She was officially diagnosed in 2nd grade and had an IEP 2-11th grade. I'm not sure if I could but a label "mild" or "severely" on her LD. If we had not worked with her for years, I doubt she would be where she is today. She did learn techniques some that just improved her reading/writing and ways to work around her issues. She still reads slowly and needs a tutor to help 'edit' important writing assignment. But I keep telling her lots of college students need that.

We have a private school in my area for students with dyslexia & language problems and I know a few kids who attended. Every other year, I considered if I should enroll her there but in the end we kept her in the public school. What I DID do was have her see a private educational therapist once a week from 3rd grade on. Her therapist was excellent, it was expensive but no where as expensive as private school would have been. My daughter also got help and accommodations at her public school. Depending on her teacher that sometimes worked better than others. We were also lucky she attended a K-8th grade school that had only a small number of kids with LD's in her grade, meaning the resource specialist has a lot of time for her.

What I was trying to tell you is it is possible to get public school with some additional extra therapy after school to work. But make sure you are getting the RIGHT extra help. A generic tutoring center won't be enough.

Good Luck.